What to Consider When Choosing Home Insurance Deductibles
When buying home insurance, understanding your deductibles is crucial. In Montana, the most common insurance claims involve wind and hail damage, followed by freezing pipes. While freezing pipes can be costly to repair, the average expense is typically less than the damage caused by a wind or hailstorm.
It's important to note that freezing pipes are usually covered under a general deductible that includes other types of losses such as fire and vandalism. However, wind and hail damage often have a separate, specific deductible.
Your insurance premium is heavily influenced by the deductible amounts you choose for different types of coverage. For example, a home insurance policy with a $1,500 deductible for wind and hail, and a $1,500 deductible for all other losses, will generally be more expensive than a policy with a $2,500 deductible for wind and hail and a $1,500 deductible for all other losses.
When selecting home insurance, it's essential to review the deductibles for different types of losses and work with your agent to adjust them according to your specific needs. At Balthazar Insurance, we specialize in customizing policies to suit your unique situation. Whether it's the type of home you have, its location, or your family's comfort level, we're here to ensure you have the right coverage in place.